Sparking a Green Revolution in Montserrat

by | January 23, 2025 | Mining and Sustainability, News

Mining with stranded geothermal energy has been implemented with great success in El Salvador, Iceland and Kenya. Monetising spare energy during times of low demand can lower bills, generate secondary revenue and provide an assured buyer of last resort for renewables. BPUK propose that a similar transformation could be achieved in Montserrat – a small Caribbean island and British Overseas Territory.

The island is recovering from a devastating volcanic eruption, and suffers from an unreliable and almost completely fossil-powered grid, despite sitting on nearly unlimited geothermal energy. The UK government is working to develop more reliable energy sources for the island, including a potential geothermal plant.

BPUK have modelled the future energy mix of the island and the economic benefit of co-locating a mine alongside a new geothermal plant. Montserrat sits at an energy crossroads, and BPUK hope to help maximise the benefits of development efforts on the island.

View our paper here: Sparking a Green Revolution in Montserrat